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He is my friend Mario Panduro, he is 23 years old. We are also classmates at university, he is fascinated by music related to rap and hip-hop. He is a huge fan of the Alianza Lima soccer club, he lives for punchana. He is very dedicated to university work, he exhibits very well, he is very sociable and good people.

He is my friend Julio Novoa, he is 21 years old. We are also classmates from college, he loves metal music, playing dota, watching memes and ramdon videos. At university, he is very dedicated and responsible, exposes excellent every time it is his turn.

He is my friend Igor Vilchez, he is 22 years old. He is a great follower of the Spanish cancerbero rap singer, he also likes rock music, playing soccer, he likes to sing. He is very kind, friendly and a good companion.


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